Tag Archives: star

The Confusing Gender — Why are Girls so Mean?


Girls: the gender than nobody understands. Girls hardly understand themselves, let alone other females. Like when we don’t agree on someone’s outfit, we talk about it, and it’s absolutely awful but we just do. We do that with pretty much everything… we talk so much about literally anything.

We’re also quite vicious. We tear apart other people, and if someone comes after us then we get over defensive and attack. Our attacks are ruthless, and there is nothing more hurtful then a girl bringing up something that had killed you in the past. Often, we push each other too far. Girls bring each other to tears, some guide each other into the wrong directions.

Depression has almost become a new fad for younger girls. For some reason, a multitude of girls are claiming to be “clinically depressed”, when they have never been near a therapist. But they pretend to show all the signs… the razor…the cuts…the burns…the welts from snapping rubber bands against their wrists. But the thing is, they show it all off. It’s very frustrating.

But back to the fighting. I will never truly understand what makes girls so insane. It’s like a mass of jealousy and hormones and anger all rolled into one giant ball, and it’s thrown at any girl that crosses the line. Any girl that dares to speak up. Any girl that decides to be strong.

Like what is it that makes us think that it is even remotely okay to pick apart a person over and over again until they finally break? Some people don’t just break, some people shatter into pieces and can’t rebuild. What do you do when you don’t know who you are anymore? You become nothing–and you become okay with being nothing.

Every girl is born with a shining star, and it’s supposed to be their choice whether they let it out or not. But more and more girls are getting that right taken away from them. Their shine is being ripped away from them and all they are left with is darkness. Surrounded by fake smiles and laughs given with half effort, they just roam through life without the purpose they were supposed to have.

Let them shine. Let each girl have her time to shine.